Hair Loss and CBD
Hair Loss and CBD: Anyone will typically lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day. But hair loss presents differently. Hereditary hair loss affects 80 million men and women (also known as alopecia).
Many different factors, including:
- Genetics
- Alteration of hormones (such as with childbirth or menopause)
- Physical ailments
- Psychological or physical harm
- Regular hair loss is frequently an indication of an underlying medical issue.
- Based on your symptoms, your doctor or dermatologist can identify the reason for your hair loss.
Cannabidiol (CBD) has lately come to light as a potential substitute for prescribed drugs and shampoos, which are common treatments for [hair loss].
This article examines the potential benefits of CBD oil for treating hair loss as well as its use, negative effects, and other aspects.
Does CBD oil help with hair loss?
- According to research, adding CBD-rich hemp extracts to carrier oils may eventually encourage hair development, which may help with hair restoration following [hair loss].
- According to a study from 2021, people who administered CBD oil topically to their hair and scalp for six months experienced successful regrowth, however males experienced results that were more encouraging than women.
- In addition to improving sleep quality and lowering anxiety, CBD may also have an impact on hair growth. A reduction in everyday stressors may have an impact on the renewal of hair follicles since stress is a typical cause of excessive hair loss.
- Additionally, CBD is not a miracle cure. While [CBD] oil may help with [hair loss], there are alternative approaches to hair regeneration that produce more reliable outcomes.
- Additionally, since CBD oil has been the subject of most studies, other [CBD] products like candies, pills, and vapes might not be effective in treating hair loss.
How well does CBD oil treat hair loss?
- Recent research indicates that the dosage of CBD affects its ability to promote hair growth. The same study from 2021 found that taking 3 to 4 mg of CBD daily for six months boosted hair growth by 93.5 percent.
- Results may differ based on the individual, reason for hair loss, age, gender, and other factors because there hasn’t been much research done on the subject. However, taken as a whole, CBD oil may not be particularly useful for hair loss.
How should CBD oil be used to treat hair loss?
- You can use CBD oil directly to your scalp if you decide to try it for [hair loss].
- It might not be as effective if you mix it with your shampoo or conditioner.
- The study from 2021 mentioned above only discussed CBD’s efficacy when it was given topically to the scalp, not when it was diluted.
What Negative effects might CBD oil for hair loss cause?
- CBD is considered safe for use according to the World Health Organization Trusted Source. However, oils that are not FDA-approved are not subject to regulation, therefore the manufacturer will determine the components and quality.
- CBD frequently causes adverse effects include diarrheia, changes in appetite, and weariness.
- A number of drugs have been identifying to interact with CBD. You should see your doctor before using CBD if you are already using any other supplements or medications that have been prescribing to you.